Hebrews 13: 16-18
“ And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” “Obey your leaders, and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.” “Pray for us…” (NASB)
Social distancing, self-quarantine, flatten the curve, shelter in place, PPEs (personal protective equipment), contact tracing, community spread – These are some of the new words now in our daily vocabularies. Words that before were foreign to most of us. The Covid-19 pandemic virus has changed not only how we live temporarily but also how we speak.
Now look at some words in these verses from Hebrews 13: do good, share, sacrifice, obey, submit, pray. These are familiar, active words! Words we can practice daily, whether we are in our homes, with our families and friends (even virtually), or in the workplace if we must leave home to serve daily.
Obedience to our leaders (whether to parents, church, or civic leaders), places them in a position of authority over us. Obedience is sometimes not popular in our culture today, but it is a sound biblical principle. Our leaders will give an account to God for how they handle our governance. We are instructed to enable them to do this with joy. Joy because we obey! As we obey our leaders, we obey God. In this, God is pleased and we are all blessed!
So today and in the weeks ahead, obey our leaders. Stay at home as much as you can if you are not called to work. Do good to your children and creatively share, even if virtually, with those you love. (I played a virtual game of hide and seek with my Atlanta grandchildren in their yard last night!) Pray for our leaders, our workers, our loved ones, and ourselves. I pray for each of you reading this to experience the pleasure of God today, even in the smallest of ways. Look for it!
Michele King is the Director of Care Services at Summit Leadership. During this time, Michele is offering caring services online through video conferencing tools. Please contact her () to schedule a confidential & professional counseling session today.