The Heart of Giving
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There is a great example in Scripture of the power of connecting the right people and the right resources.  Let me encourage you to take a few minutes to read this wonderful passage in Exodus 35:29 – 36:7.  God had called Moses to build the Tabernacle, a large portable sanctuary that would remind the Israelites of God’s presence with them as they journeyed through the wilderness.  The task was huge.  Moses couldn’t do it alone.   Notice this key phrase in verse 29… “all the men and women whose heart moved them…”  brought their skills, talents, materials and offerings to help build the tabernacle.  No one could do it alone, but God moved in the hearts of the people and they came together to accomplish this enormous project.


Note especially Ex. 36:6-7.  Because the people were so obedient to God’s stirring in their heart to give of their time, talent and treasure, Moses had to actually command the people to stop.   They had more than enough workers, materials and finances to complete the project.  Passion to see God’s work accomplished moved them to bring together the right people and right resources necessary to build the tabernacle.  As a result, they were blessed and God was glorified.


God has blessed the ministry of Summit Leadership Foundation in amazing ways to impact the lives and ministries of hundreds of Christian leaders in our region since 2004.   The three core services of “connecting, consulting and caring” have encouraged and empowered leaders to expand their vision and pursue their mission with greater confidence.    The result is increased effectiveness in reaching people for Christ and influencing them in their walk with the Lord.


Please prayerfully consider how God would have you give.  How is God stirring your heart?

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