Standing Firm – SummitLife Today: Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Home / Leadership Development / Standing Firm – SummitLife Today: Tuesday, April 28, 2015

“Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for – because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.”  ~ Peter Marshall

I have never experienced an earthquake.  I can only imagine how scary and unsettling it must be.  No solid ground, no firm footing, nothing is steady.  An earthquake typically only lasts a few seconds, but what would it be like if it lasted for days or even weeks?  When the foundation under you is shaky, your only thought is survival.  Without solid ground, you aren’t able to the gain the footing you need to go anywhere or accomplish anything.

The illustration of an earthquake serves as a parable of sorts for the need for a firm spiritual foundation.  If you don’t have solid ground and firm footing spiritually, life’s circumstances can be just as scary and unsettling.  Standing firm on solid ground is essential to building character and confidence.  Without a steady spiritual foundation, you will never grow or reach your full potential as a leader.

We live in a dangerous and uncertain world that can at any moment shake our lives and those around us just like an earthquake.  For leaders to be strong and effective, they must stand firm and not be shaken by threatening circumstances.  A leader must be able to exhibit confidence and strength in order to bring calm to others in challenging times.  Your spiritual footing gives you steadiness for true success and victory in life. 

There is great mystery to the nature of the spiritual warfare that the Bible talks about, but this I do know; we have an enemy who would love to shake our foundation.  Just like a fault hidden deep in the earth’s core, evil can erupt in this world at any time.  Are you ready and are you standing firm?  The Apostle Paul wrote about standing firm in Ephesians 6.

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.  (Ephesians 6:10-11 NLT)

Leaders must stand firm.  Be strong in the Lord today, in His mighty power might and not in your own strength.  The steadfastness of your relationship with the Him will be your solid unshakeable ground and the only place you’ll find firm footing.  You can’t build anything that will last without first establishing a firm foundation.

Putting on the full armor of God and being prepared to stand firm is a daily discipline.  Prayerfully spending time in the Word with the Lord will help you establish a solid foundation.  Stand firm on your relationship with Him.  No one else can do this for you, and you also can’t do it alone.  It’s essential to have other leaders around you to hold you accountable and to help you stand firm in your faith today and every day.  

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