Summit strives to connect via a community that we affectionately call SummitLife. Our hope is to "Connect the Right People and the Right Resources". In order to facilitate this community, we offer the opportunity for businesses, non-profits and churches to join as a...
Summit featured on DayTime TriCities – Segment #4
In the final segment, Amy Lynn spoke with Tembra Aldridge from the Mall at Johnson City about the Youth Expo at the mall, while Morgan King spoke with Tom Seaton from The Firehouse Restaurant about leadership opportunities (such as Catalyst Conference) Summit has...
Summit featured on Daytime TriCities – Segment #3
In the third segment, Randy Hensley from Coalition for Kids, as well as Mike Marion from Rise Up!, were interviewed by Amy & Morgan about the Christmas Projects they have going on at both of their organizations.
Summit Featured on Daytime TriCities – Segment #2
In the second segment, Rhonda Chaffin from Second Harvest of Northeast Tennessee along with Mike Perry from 88.3 WCQR Christian Radio speak with Morgan King about Project Thanksgiving. Both organizations are joined together to bring a Thanksgiving meal to 5,000...
Summit featured on Daytime TriCites – Segment #1
In the past month Summit Leadership Foundation has been featured on Daytime TriCities in four separate segments. This has been a great opportunity to get the word out about Summit as well as feature some of our Co-op & Business Partners to the TriCities Community....
Faithfully Business Before Hours – August 4, 2010
This morning's Faithfully Business was led by Leslie Huff, the FB treasurer and the TriSummit Bank Johnson City Branch Manager. She opened in prayer and then directed the group to watch a excerpt from Andy Stanley's Take It To The Limit. The message was taken from...
CMDA Chapel Service
Click HERE to listen to the Christian Medical and Dental Association Service by Dave McAuley titled, "Ready , Set, Go!".
BCTI Partners with Summit Leadership Foundation
BCTI is proud to announce its new partnership with Summit Leadership Foundation. As an Information Technology company that provides Cisco solutions including Unified Communications Solutions (IP Telephony) and wireless networks, BCTI was able to donate a new Cisco...
Thank you Business & Co-op Partners
Summit could not exist without our Business and Co-op Partners. The Lord has greatly blessed us with sending His provisions to Summit through such wonderful people, organizations and businesses. If you are a Summit Partner, THANK YOU!! We love and appreciate those who...
Recent Celebrations & Current Projects
Recent Celebrations: Moved into the new Summit Facility in December and opened with regular business hours 8:00am to 5:00pm on January 5th, 2009. Launched our new redesigned Summit website to better serve leaders with valuable information and resources to help them in...