This year was my first-time attending Leadercast. In fact, I never heard of Leadercast until joining the team at Summit Leadership. For those of you in that same boat, I want to tell you about my experience!
I did not know what to expect at Leadercast 2019. Once I arrived, I was intrigued by how many people attended representing different businesses. I met several new faces and learned about numerous new businesses in our area. It’s all about connecting!
After breakfast and coffee, the speakers began and (to my surprise) they were dynamic! Not only were they very knowledgeable in their area of leadership, but they were also relatable. The material covered leadership within the workplace and within everyday life.
One speaker really piqued my interest, Carla Harris. She spoke about bringing every piece of your personality to work with you. My initial reaction was hesitant, but then she really broke it down.
When you go to work, you encounter people including coworkers, customers, patients, clients, partners, etc. You can cheat people you encounter by not allowing them to see every part of your personality. That one side you choose to present may not connect with people and, therefore, real relationships are stunted. However, when you bring your whole personality to work, there will be different traits that will connect with people in many different ways. For example, anyone that knows me knows that I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Is that necessarily work-related? No. However, I made several close connections with people just by introducing this “fan” part of me to my work environment. Once again, life is about connections.
God made billions of people but only one “you”. We are fearfully and wonderfully made for a unique purpose. God did not give us unique abilities to keep them to ourselves but to share them with one another. Leadership is what you make of it, both in the workplace and in life. With the tools and life lessons I learned from Leadercast, I apply them to every aspect of my life to be a better Constance! Thanks, Leadercast!
If you missed Leadercast (or just want a refresher), you are in luck! We will be recasting Carla Harris (and our other favorite sessions) at Flexcast on August 27th.

Constance was born and raised in Johnson City, Tennessee. With over 12 years of experience in both retail and legal settings, she brings a strong administrative background to the team. Constance is very involved at her church, Grace Temple Church, and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.