“It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Walking with God is a step by step, moment by moment stroll. It is a matter of dependence. When my sons were little and learning to walk, they would hold onto my hand tightly. As they grew and became more independent however, they loosened their grip and then eventually let go. Only when they fell down would they call for me to help them get back up. I think I can tend to be like that in my walk with the Lord. When the Apostle John wrote about “walking in the light”, he refers to us as “little children”. Little children hold on tight with every step. In the Old Testament, Noah was a man who walked with God step by step in a dependent child-like faith.
The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil….It broke his heart…But Noah found favor with the Lord… Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God. (from Genesis 6:5-9 NLT)
Note the phrase: “the only blameless person living on earth at the time”. Wow! The reason that could be said about Noah was because he was the only person who “walked in close fellowship with God.” Noah held tightly onto God’s hand with every step.
Walking requires balance. The question is: Do you get your sense of balance from God or do you get it on your own? When it comes to my sense of balance in walking with the Lord, I need to hold onto to Him. I don’t do well walking on my own. I stumble a lot, mostly under the load of over-commitment, misguided priorities and busyness.
Christian leaders set an example and set the pace for those who follow them. Your team is watching your walk. How are you doing? Is God setting your pace and providing balance for your life and leadership? Are you depending on Him with each step or have you pulled away to walk on your own?
My Grandfather loved to walk and I loved to walk with him. I have many rich memories of going on walks with him. He is also my example of a man who walked with God. I admired him for that. Who is your example of someone who walks with God? Would those on your team and in your family mention you as an example of someone who walks with God?
Let me encourage you today to examine your walk with the Lord. Determine to be dependent and hold on tight with each step. Having a close walk with the Lord is the most powerful way to impact the lives of others. Let your walk be your legacy.