“Only a life lived in the service of others is worth living.” ~ Albert Einstein
How do you become a R.E.A.L Success? I love the “R.E.A.L” acronym. It stands for: Relationships, Equipping your team, Attitude and Leadership ability. These four areas create a simple yet very effective framework for growing as a leader and developing others around you. John C. Maxwell uses these four categories as a guide for writing each of his leadership books.
Relationships are at the core of who we are. God has designed us to function interdependently in relationship with each other. No matter what products or services your company or organization provides, it’s important to always remember you are really in the “people business”. Your products and services are produced through the people you lead. They must always come first. You cannot succeed without them. The Apostle Paul wrote this instruction to his friends in Philippi to help them be more unified in their relationships:
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4 NASB)
Equipping your team is essential to reaching your full potential.No one does anything great alone. Could you imagine what our relationships would be like if we could truly live out Paul’s instructions consistently in our lives? Who in your relationship circles do you need to begin living this out with today? Be intentional, be bold, be selfless, be humble and you and the others you serve will be blessed. As a leader, it’s from these relationships that you will develop your team. Commit to equipping your team and growing together by completing each other through your complimentary gifts and abilities. You will always accomplish so much more when you equip a team to do it with you, and every team accomplishes more when team members are not worried about who gets the credit.
Attitude is everything! Always be filled and overflowing with a positive attitude. Your mindset and perspective will pore over into the lives of others to influence their attitudes as well. As a leader, you set the attitude of your team. Attitude leaks. Your attitude will affect the attitudes of everyone else you interact with. A winning attitude is essential for a winning team.
Leaders are learners. Never stop growing as a leader. Always be pursuing leadership skills that can take you and your team to the next level. The only factor limiting the capacity of your organization is your capacity as a leader. In order to grow your organization, you must always be growing as the leader.
Your relationships, equipping your team, your attitude and your leadership capacity do matter. Focusing on these four key areas will make a huge difference in effectiveness as a leader. Commit today to being intentional about becoming a R.E.A.L. Success as a leader.