New Strength – SummitLife Today: Friday, March 6, 2015
Home / Leadership Development / New Strength – SummitLife Today: Friday, March 6, 2015

“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” ~ Helen Keller

Have you ever felt like quitting?  There are days in your life and leadership that you will come to the point where you feel like you’ve given all you can give.  There is nothing left.  It’s on those days that you experience the full weight of leadership, and it can feel overwhelming.  Leaders are ultimately responsible in every circumstance and outcome…even when it’s not your fault.  The captain goes down with the ship.  As a leader, it’s always too soon to quit.  You have to find the strength to take one more step or hang in there one more day…but where can you find the strength to keep going?

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.  (Isaiah 40:31 NLT)

Hope is the fuel for endurance, and trust in the Lord brings hope.  God’s strength is “New Strength” because He creates it in the moment we need it most.  When your strength is gone, trust in the Lord to give you His fresh new strength to keep you going.

There is a huge difference between “sore” and “soar”.  A lot of leaders are just “sore”.  They have been wounded and beaten up to the point of having nothing left but resentment and hurt.  You can’t lead if you’re “sore”.  You have to rise above your circumstances and “soar”.

Eagles soar!  A soaring eagle moves effortlessly on the wind currents that lift his wings.  When we fully trust in the Lord, He promises to lift our wings and carry us on His strength.  No flapping required.  In fact, it’s our own flapping that got us into this situation in the first place.  We tried to do it all in our own strength and wore ourselves out.  As Christian leaders, trust in the Lord should be a daily practice.  It makes no sense to only look for “New Strength” when we are on the last leg of our “Old Strength”.  Why would you flap away in your own strength when you can soar effortlessly in His?

Take time today to confess your lack of strength to God and trust Him to give you His new strength.  It is simply a matter of humility and faith.  Even if you feel strong, your strength is no match for His strength.  This is nothing more than a battle between pride and humility.  Prideful leaders flap while humble leaders soar.

Finally, people love to watch eagles soar.  It inspires them.  Your team will be motivated and inspired to do more when they see you soar.  Humbly ask the Lord to give you “New Strength” today, and trust Him to help you soar.

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