Never Paid in Full – SummitLife Today: Monday, September 8, 2012
Home / Leadership Development / Never Paid in Full – SummitLife Today: Monday, September 8, 2012

Good, responsible and honest leaders pay their debts and don’t owe anything to anyone except by mutual agreement.  Becoming “debt free” is a noble goal for anyone.  Paying your employees, vendors, and even the taxes you owe on time, is a matter of character and integrity.  But what about the one debt that you always owe but can never pay in full?  It is due to everyone you know and requires you to make payments every day.


Owe nothing to anyone, except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law…These and other such commandments are summed up in this one commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.  (Romans 13:8-10)


God’s love language is; loving others through you.  You are a part of the Body of Christ; His Ambassador; a child of the King. Your actions reflect “Whose” you are as you represent God’s love to others through your words and actions every day.  How are you doing on paying your daily obligation to love those around you in a way that represents God’s love for them?


Love is always paid forward.  When it comes to our “love debt”, it is never based on what others owe us but is always about what we owe them.  We owe them the same love God freely gives us.  We can give others God’s love because God first loved us. Here’s what John writes:


Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.  No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us. (1 John 4:11-12)


Lead with love today. Your love for others will reflect God’s love for them and positively impact your relationships and therefore the culture of your team and organization.  Be intentional about the practical ways you can frame your words and actions in the love of Christ today.  It’s not always easy and you will not always succeed.  Just like any other discipline in good leadership, you must begin with an awareness of the need and then be intentional about taking action.  Accountability is a powerful tool in keeping any commitment.  Find a trusted friend who will help you stay on track in your commitment to lead with love.  Let God’s love guide you as you represent God’s love for the world in your daily interactions with those He brings across your path.  Love well and you will lead well today.


“Love is not a feeling.  Love is an action…true love is an act of will…it is correct to say ‘Love is as love does’” ~ M. Scott Peck

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