There are three things that every organization or project needs for success: The right people, the right resources and the leadership capacity to grow. “Leadership Capacity” is all about having the influence, skills, knowledge and commitment to take something to the next level. Honest assessment of your capacity and resources is a good starting point. Having the right people on your team and your ability to influence them are essential elements in determining your leadership capacity. One is too small a number to do anything of great significance. You need other people to complete you in order for you to be at your best. This was one of the great lessons in the life and leadership of Moses as he led the nation of Israel out of Egypt.
These are the chosen leaders of the community, the leaders of their ancestral tribes, the heads of the clans of Israel. So Moses and Aaron called together these chosen leaders, and they assembled the whole community of Israel on that very day…So the Israelites did everything just as the Lord had commanded Moses. (Numbers 1:16-18, 54 NLT)
All the right leaders for Moses’s team were available; he just had to be intentional about bringing them together and aligning them with God’s purpose. Always be on the lookout for men and women who influence others both inside and outside your organization. You want to identify them and make sure you are all moving in the same direction. If properly aligned and committed to your cause, these leaders can greatly increase your leadership capacity.
As a Christian leader, take note of the phrase “…did everything just as the Lord had commanded…” You can make big plans, but unless the Lord is in it – no matter how much you seem to accomplish – it will have limited lasting impact. Complete dependence on God is the key to connecting the right people, the right resources and increasing your capacity as a leader. If God calls you to do it, He will bring it to pass. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
Only secure leaders enlist the help of others. Secure leaders are humble leaders. Pride will keep you from asking for help and ironically limit your leadership capacity. Prideful leaders want to claim all the credit and therefore never reach their full capacity as a leader. Their talent alone isn’t enough for them to accomplish the most. The first step in growing your leadership capacity is to be humble and ask for help. First ask for God’s help and seek His guidance to help you discern the leaders you need to recruit.
Grow your leadership capacity today by humbly asking God to connect you to the right people and the right resources to accomplish the work He has called you to do.
“What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God” ~ Monica Baldwin