Stephen Covey gave us a great word picture in his “sharpening your saw” analogy. If you invest in rest at the right time, it will pay great dividends for a long time. A sharp saw cuts wood more efficiently than a dull saw. You are always sharper when you are well rested. It’s truly a good investment of your time. The best rest is the kind of rest that brings peace to your soul. Invest in Rest.
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. (Psalm 91:1-2 NLT)
Rest and trust go together. Worry is the enemy of rest because worry is the absence of trust. Leaders who worry never find time to rest because they live with the false belief that everything depends on them. They lead like they are rolling a rock up a hill with the fear that at any moment it could roll back to the bottom, going over them on the way. People who worry never truly rest. People who trust rest well. In the days of creation, God rested on the seventh day and set an example for us to take a day of rest. You have to trust that six days are enough and that a day of rest will benefit you more than an extra day of pushing the rock up the hill.
Rest has to be intentional. It is both a belief and a practice. We were created with the need for spiritual, physical and mental renewal and rest. If you don’t plan for rest and make time for it, the tyranny of the urgent will overtake you and rob you of rest. Lack of rest will negatively affect you spiritually, physically and mentally.
As a Christian leader, you need to set an example for those on your team about healthy rest. When you find healthy rest, you are renewed spiritually, physically and mentally. You are at your best after rest. You will make more mistakes and be less efficient when you are tired and worn down. Invest in rest!
Be sure to also keep a watch out for your team members in the area of rest. Days off and vacations are more than just an employee benefit. They will also benefit your organization since well rested team members are more positive and more productive. It’s wise to invest in their rest too.
Finally, take time today to plan for rest and renewal spiritually, physically and mentally. Anything this important is worth making a priority. You and your team will be at your best if you invest in rest. The payoff is well worth it.
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” ~ Ovid