Faith Overcomes Fear – SummitLife Today: Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Home / Leadership Development / Faith Overcomes Fear – SummitLife Today: Tuesday, July 28, 2015

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” ~ Dorothy Bernard

Faith is doing it afraid.  Faith is not the absence of fear but rather the ability to face and overcome fear.  As Christian leaders, we are called to take a stand for what we know is right and true.  That’s not always an easy thing to do.  Obedience usually requires courage. 

Fear can take many forms.  Fear of losing money.  Fear of being ridiculed.  Fear of failure.  Fear of responsibility.  Fear of sickness or death.  There are plenty of things to be afraid of in life.  How we face fear is always a matter of faith. 

The strength of your faith will determine whether you confront, or run from your fears.  King David wrote most of the Psalms and one of his common themes is how to rely on faith in God to face enemies and fears.

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.  So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Be still, and know that I am God!  (Psalm 46:1-3,10a NLT)

Refuge is a word of safety and security.  God is our refuge.  Wow!  Just ponder that simple truth for a moment.  Fear is the feeling we have when we don’t feel safe and secure, but God is our refuge.  How can it get any safer than that?  It’s a matter of faith.  Simply believe, and rest in the truth that God is your refuge and that you are safe in Him.  

God is also our strength.  We only fear when we feel weak.  With God as our strength, we should never feel weak.  We must always have trust and confidence in Him.  David closes the psalm with the words: “Be still, and know that I am God!”  Too often we get caught up in the adrenaline of the moment and have a fight or flight response to a threatening situation.  Learn to take a deep breath, be still, and come to your senses.  Remember that God is looking out for you. You have His strength on your side.

So often, we can’t overcome our fear because we are relying on our own strength and our sense of security based on what we have built.  “Be still.”  It is only in stillness that we will stop striving to overcome our fears by our own strength.  We must “know” and believe that God is our place of safety and strength.

What is your greatest fear today?  Let me encourage you to quietly trust God with that fear.  Pray that He will comfort you with His presence and protect you with His power that He might be glorified through your circumstances.  Be courageous; be bold and be strong in the Lord today.  Conquer your fears with faith in His safety and strength.  Be still and be strong.

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