“When the pressure is on, great leaders are at their best. Whatever is inside then comes to the surface.” ~ John C. Maxwell
The trophy is yours, now play the game! Jesus Christ has already won the victory for us. We are champions in Him. You can botch a play, fumble the ball, get injured, step out of bounds and even allow the other team to score, but you can’t lose the game.
Are you living life and leading your team with a victory perspective? Becoming convinced of this amazing truth will make a huge difference in how you play the game. Paul prayed for leaders in the early church to live with a clear understanding of the all the “wins” they had in Jesus Christ.
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe…and He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (from Ephesians 1:18-23 NLT)
Note that Paul prays “that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened”. Remember Paul had to become physically blinded on the road to Damascus for the eyes of his heart to be enlightened to God’s truth. The same goes for us. Too often we have our perspective affected by all the things we see that overwhelm us. We see impossible circumstances instead of the hope we have in Christ. When this happens, we are focused on temporal conditions that lead us to see ourselves as victims rather than victors. A victory perspective can only be seen according to God’s purpose in an eternal context.
You may be asking: “If the victory is already won, why should we put any effort into playing the game?” It’s very simple. We play to please Jesus Christ. He has the perfect game plan. The only way to fully experience His joy is to follow His game plan. The pressure is off when we play the game according to His plan. You can’t lose.
Winners have faith. Some people have faith in their own ability, but those who trust in Jesus have faith in His ability. Faith overcomes fear, especially the fear of failure. You may have short-term losses or setbacks, but in the context of eternity there is plenty of time to recover. The game isn’t over until God says it’s over. Always remember, He is in control.
Live life and lead your team today with the confidence of a victory perspective that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. Be bold in the power of His might and lead your team in victory for His glory. You are already a winner. Now go and enjoy the game!