There is a special bond between a father and his children. Fathers experience discouragement and grief when their children stray from what is right. However, fathers find great delight and joy when their children live out the values they’ve been taught and make good choices. I have seen this in many parent/child relationships, including my own. Relationships are richer when there is agreement and alignment in the areas of purpose, values and beliefs. Rebellion and disobedience can easily break that bond. This was true for the nation of Israel and their relationship with their Heavenly Father.
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. (Zephaniah 3:17 NLT)
This is an amazing passage and a timeless principle. God never stops loving His children. His desire is just like that of any father; He wants to experience the joy of finding delight in his children. This passage was written during a time of rebellion in the nation of Israel and it proclaims God’s hope and desire for a renewed relationship with them. Just as it was true for them then, this is also true for us today.
As a Christian leader, God wants to use you in the lives of others, His children, to influence them for His Kingdom. He wants a rich relationship with you and with them. He wants to take delight in you with gladness. Is there anything standing in the way that might negatively affect your relationship with your Heavenly Father? If there is, it is robbing you of your delight in Him and His delight in you.
Here’s the deal…God wants to delight in you so much that He sent His son, “a mighty savior”. Your Heavenly Father delights in you not because you are so good, but because His Son is so good. He delights in you because of His Son and your trust in Him.
It’s not about performance but it is about obedience. Note the phrase: “For the Lord your God is living among you.” Jesus Himself, our mighty Savior, lives in and through us to accomplish His purpose. The Holy Spirit comforts, convicts and directs us in our daily lives.
How will you live and lead differently today because “the Lord your God is living among you”? Make today a very special day between you and your Heavenly Father. Delight in Him and your Father will delight in you.
“As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.” ~ Emmanuel Teney